
When Grace was born my husband and I made a whole website for her. It was something we liked to do together and a way to make a sort of e-photo album for her. Now that she is older-almost 17 mo.- the website is something we never get to seeing it is at the bottom of our to do list. So I decided to start a blog not only for a keepsake, but for those who rarely see her...

Sunday, February 14, 2010


My mother says I need to record the words that Grace is saying now. It amazes me how many words she tries. As far as I can count she knows at least 50 words now. The minimum amount of words that she learns per week is at least one per day. This week she learned: minty, mine, cheese, nose, Calvin, Moose and Lily. There are more, but those are the ones I recall at the moment. For a 17th month old I think this is pretty good.

She is also starting to talk to me about things in more than two words. Three words together seem to be the most in one sentence, however she can converse about bow-wow's for at least three babbling sentences. Today she told me " oh no bow-wow" and led me over to Lily (one of our dogs)who was sitting on one of her toys.

She also understands the concepts of mom, dad and baby in other creatures as well as other people. She talked in length about the bow-wow's in our Disney book ending by pointing at the Dalmatian pups and saying "baby bow-wow." The best conversation we had was yesterday after her bath when she walked over to the potty stickers and said "bow-wow Moose." This was exciting because she was pointing at the dogs on the sticker paper. So we talked about Lily and Moose and I gave her two bow-wow stickers that "looked" like them. Then she initiated a peek-a-boo game with the two stickers by saying"peek-boo Moose" and "peek-boo ily".

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