
When Grace was born my husband and I made a whole website for her. It was something we liked to do together and a way to make a sort of e-photo album for her. Now that she is older-almost 17 mo.- the website is something we never get to seeing it is at the bottom of our to do list. So I decided to start a blog not only for a keepsake, but for those who rarely see her...

Thursday, February 11, 2010


February 11, 2009

Today the thing I am impressed with, I'm so easily impressed with Grace, is her manners. She has been starting to say please and thank you. Today she said a bunch of pleases and thankyous. During lunch it was "cheese please" and "thank you mama." To be clear it was " eese peese" and "tank you mama," but I was still impressed.


  1. You will continually be impressed with her - I promise! She is such a smart little girl.

  2. Hey, good to hear from you. I see how smart she is, although some would argue I'm just her mother and I HAVE to say that. In my mind there's no doubt I have a mover and shaker in my midst. I can't wait to see what she tries next. I just hope I can keep up with her!!
