
When Grace was born my husband and I made a whole website for her. It was something we liked to do together and a way to make a sort of e-photo album for her. Now that she is older-almost 17 mo.- the website is something we never get to seeing it is at the bottom of our to do list. So I decided to start a blog not only for a keepsake, but for those who rarely see her...

Friday, April 30, 2010


So today I got a video of my daughter doing her favorite thing in the whole world. Well at least for the last month blowing bubbles has been an obsession. Nana, aka Grandma Donna, bought a bubble gun today thinking it was the kind that you put bubble soap in and pulled the trigger. The whole family has been bubble blowing slaves lately and we needed some relief. However, this gun ended up being the same old dip and blow kind of gun, but it made a lot of bubbles in one shot so that was good.

Grace had learned with another bubble gun long ago how to load and shoot a bubble gun. However, that bubble gun had a more difficult trigger. Today she dipped, made bubbles and chased them with no problem. In addition today was great to watch because of all the words and exuberance she used. She would run around with a like skip in her step and babble Bubbles, POP POP. then, just as I turned the video camera off, she said "I like bubbles." It was very mumbled but you could tell what she said. So I countered with " You like bubbles? They do make you happy." To which she let out a musical yeah! and raced off in chase of more bubble adventures. Considering the drama in my life right now, that was about as good as it gets. Watching the joy in a 19 month old's eyes as she plays with bubbles makes it all worth it in the end.
Replacing Emoji...

Friday, April 9, 2010

First Sentence

On Wednesday before swim we were having a snack. My parents were there too. As my dad was opening the refrigerator he was talking to Grace when she said said "Papa, I wana pickle." She and my mother eat pickles together occasionally. The first time I guess she ate a pickle she made a face and said yucky. But she came back over and over and eventually my mother said she ate her whole pickle. what a funny first sentence.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Singing, Talking, Swiming

Grace is growing everyday by leaps and bounds. What is funny is that it is hard to tell really how much until you stop and think about this time last year. She was only 8 months old last Easter and just pulling up and crawling. This Easter Grace was walking and putting Easter eggs in her basket all by herself. She now says over a hundred words and loves to swim on her own. She sings about 8 songs. Well she sings parts of the songs at the right time. Her favorites include: Kookaburra, Old McDonald, ABC Song and Michael Buble's Cry Me a River. We actually got a video of her singing this last song with her Dad on Easter day.

The last Saturday in March Grace did her first sleep over at our friend Chloe, Colby and Katie's house. This was following a play date the Tuesday before. When I picked her up on Tuesday she cried bloody murder. I guess she is ready for a more social atmosphere. It is really too bad that she is the only child because she loves other kids of any age. Anyway, Saturday went off without a hitch, so Katie says.

Grace is starting to say more complex things now. For instance when we read Dora the Explorer she can say " Swiper, no Swiping" and it sounds like it should give or take a bit. She is also a great mimic now. She knows a hand full of Spanish words including: mira, adios, hola, papas, and gato.

All in all it has been a hectic, but exciting month in Graceland.